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The ultimate painterly landscape. Its pastel colors dappled like brushstrokes across every field and hillside, in every storybook village and at each sumptuous meal.

Rosé in Roussillon

A visit to Roussillon is a most colorful experience.  As if inspired by a bowl of butter mints, the pastels that define the town soften its medieval past and welcome life in the moment.

Market Day in Lourmarin

Sunlight inches down ancient walls in Lourmarin as chilled shadows hold their ground, for the moment. A climbing vine in starlet lipstick red finds its light as croissants and coffee alight our sidewalk table. An old couple score the first flowers at the farmers’ market while most vendors are still readying their wares. Shopkeepers flip their window signs to “ouvert”, as a sleepy shepherd signs off, having found a perfect chin rest ‘neath a cafe chair.

Morning Light in Lacoste

Morning light threads through the ridge trees across the valley, eventually reaching the walls of the artful hilltop village of Lacoste. Artful in many ways. One, it’s the European home of SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design). Two: Style icon Pierre Cardin took such a shine to the town, he bought up much of it, fashioning the ragged ruins into the “Saint Tropez of Culture” in Provence. But this morning the dawn owns it, turning cold stone walls into bricks of gold.

The infamous hedonist Marquis de Sade once hung his chapeau at Chateau Lacoste, (when he wasn’t incarcerated for his carnal exploits).

Les Baux-de-Provence

Grand white colonnades tower overhead in this underground acropolis of idled limestone quarries, now known as Carrières des Lumières. Immersive explorations of artists’ masterpieces are projected upon these galleries of stone hidden within the mountain slopes of northwest Provence.
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City of a Thousand Fountains

This curious moss-covered fountain from 1691 AD speaks to us, possibly in the voice of a quirky Star Wars character. Fontaine des Neuf-Canons, in the town of Aix en Provence is so named for its nine water spouts delightfully dribbling at a popular meet-up spot on the Cours Mirabeau walk street. But the grande dame of Aix fountains is surely Fontaine de la Rotonde, where countless cars, people and birds are drawn to its orbit. Aix’s many fountains originally performed a more utilitarian role, hosting sheep and other livestock as they were herded along in the heat of summer.

Gorgeous Gordes

It may look like a sleepy village but this enchanted town in Provence is also known for its feisty and resilient qualities. “Gordians” are renowned for their rebellious spirit, sparking many a medieval battle and mustering dauntless support for Resistance fighters in World War II. Soothing its fighting spirit these days are adorable restaurants, cafes and romantic walkways. Coming or going, all roads lead to the signature view of Gordes from across a stoney ravine, where each hillside home appears to be a lookout from another century.

Does a perfect setting make the food taste more amazing? In Provence it’s hard to distinguish between great flavors and fabulous surroundings. La Trinquette Gordes is a perfect example, (except here we are quite certain the food is just as impressive as the place). And the place is unforgettable. Seated atop centuries of French history in one of Provence’s most stunning villages.

Vibrant Rare Finds at the Avignon Flea Market

Just outside the walls of the old city, a motley assemblage of sellers gather to barter away their eclectic wares at the Avignon Flea Market under the warm Provençal sun.
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SPOTLIGHT: The Fresh Princes of Provence

For those of us who dream of chucking reality and moving to Provence, here is a lovely living example: @le_farmhouse. This fabulous couple recently took on a new life in a classic two-level French farmhouse, where the original farmers lived upstairs and the livestock called the ground floor home. Thanks to the vision and talent of Dave & David, both floors are now reimagined in thoughtful, casual elegance, along with 22 formerly neglected acres that are now home to an exclusive Domaine du Chêne Vert olive oil and a lot of love.
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