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A medieval jewel set in a silvery fjord, hidden from time and the outside world. Its cobblestone paths are a crosshatch rendering of life in previous centuries. 

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Stairway to Heaven

Mount Lovcen slants straight down to sea level, framing the village like a theater curtain. One’s early morning hike, straight up a Roman era staircase, the Ladder of Kotor, is a view so sweeping it seems perched at the top of the sky.

Bay of Kotor

The sensuous bay is host to all variety of vessels, from the world’s largest square-rigged sailing cruise ship, the Royal Clipper twinkling in its evening mooring, to the tiniest fishing boat that somehow stays afloat despite its ballast of two full-grown Montenegrins intent on catching their illusive dinner.

Kotor by Candlelight

Stroll this walkable walled village through narrow stone lanes, each lined with curio shops, cafes and ample antique stores, beckoning one’s curiosity. At night, the plazas are luminescent with laughter and clinking glasses at The Square Pub as plans for the next day come together.


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