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Rodin Museum

The studio, home and garden of sculptor and national treasure, August Rodin is a living inspiration. Not to mention the excellent cafe and incredible sculptures amid the landscape.




Halfway up one's pilgrimage to Sacré Coeur, there's a little hole in the wall crêperie named Rozell Café that folds paper-thin buckwheat pancakes into edible origami.



Bourse Pinault Collection

Formerly the Paris Stock Exchange, Japanese visionary architect Tadao Ando has reimagined this financial palace into a brilliant and enthralling art exhibit space.



Le Pigalle Hotel

A classic Parisian setting set to a new groove. Each room is curated with a superb collection of vinyl, and a vintage record player featuring some of the best french jazz ever heard, —matched by a great selection of books within reach of your pillow. At night, the concierge is a DJ. By morning, the lobby returns to a calm mix of fresh croissants and juices riffing with the sunlight which slips in incognito.



Sunsets at
the Pompidou Center

Escalators snake up the façade of Paris' groundbreaking modern museum as the sun slips away and the City of Light switches on. Follow that line to Georges for happy hour.

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